Thank you for protecting the environment by recycling today :)So that those kind hearts can be rewarded, the exclamation point CXB was born.Exchange points collected through recycling for environmentally friendly products,You can receive a certificate of volunteer activity and sell the carbon credits you have collected.For a more enjoyable and convenient resource circulation, AI technology that helps recycling, good companies that care about the environment, and educators who believe in the value of the environment came together to create CXB.There are so many things you can do at Gamsanso CXB.1. When you turn on the AI camera, you can get everything from recycling guide to point accumulation at once.2. You can purchase good products that protect the earth with the carbon points you collect.3. Easily obtain information related to carbon emissions and participate in various events4. Let’s reduce carbon together and talk with people who care about the environment.To provide better benefits to people who care about the environment,Please join us at Gamso CXB.